Check ‘next group’ setup


The ‘next group’ set up will be checked during the roll over appointment. Please make sure you have the relevant information available.

So that we can be confident that year 7 students will move to year 8 (for example), that ‘accepted’ students will become ‘current’ students and that students will move to the correct next pastoral group etc, the next step is to check that the groups staff and students will roll into are correct.

The groups to check are:

-School Year (via Home | Admin | Control Panel | School Years).
eg: Students will move from school year X to school year Y.
-Enrolment status (done by Civica).
eg: Future students of status X will become current students of status Y.
-Pastoral groups, Roll Groups, Tutor Groups & Houses (via Home | Groups | Manage).
eg: Students in pastoral group X, will move into pastoral group Y.