Including tasks on the iWise calendar


The Calendar | Events area of iWise includes a default calendar called ‘Markbook’.

All tasks are added to this calendar by default – you don’t have to specify anything to make it appear on the Markbook calendar. The Markbook calendar can then be included as part of an iCal export, if required.

Markbook tasks appear at the top of a calendar as whole day events, they don’t have times associated with them. Only one task per subject will show per day.


You can also add a task to an additional calendar if you wish via the Full Task Edit popup in the Markbook.

1.On the main Markbook screen search for and click on the task you wish to include on an additional calendar.
2.Right click and select Full Task Edit.
3.Move to the Basic tab.
4.Select a calendar from the Task Calendar drop down list. The options in this list are the calendars you have created in the Events area of iWise.

5.Click Save.

The task is then included on the default Markbook calendar and the one you just specified.