How a class list was created


The class list displayed in the Markbook is automatically created based on the subject you have selected, the date range you have entered and your timetable. Whether or not you have already recorded a mark for a student is also taken into consideration.

For example, if you set your date range from today forward and there were no tasks already created the class list displayed in the Markbook will be the same as your current timetable.

There are a couple of exceptions to this rule, which could complicate what you see:

If you had already created and marked a task, and there is a student who was in the course at the time of marking but has since left, that student will still be showing on your class list. If this is the case you may like to exclude the student’s marks from the task stats or remove them all together from the task.
If you created all your tasks at the beginning of the year (for example) and there has since been a timetable change, the class list you see may be from the old timetable. If this is the case you may need to adjust the timetable term for the task.


information2   More information about the timetable term and the markbook.

information2 More information about excluding a student’s marks from task stats.

information2   More information about manually removing a student from a class list.


If you then change the date range, the class list may also change. For example, if you change the date range to be only the first couple of months of last year, the class list will contain the students who were in that class at that time.

If your date range spans from the beginning of last year to the end of this, your class list will contain students who were in the class last year AND those that are currently in the class. This could get messy and is best avoided!

The Markbook updates from the current timetable each night, allowing for students who join the course. Providing you have added the student to your current timetable, the Markbook will be correct each morning. Class lists are also updated from the current timetable each time a new task is created.


lightbulb_on   If a student is added to the timetable and you don’t want to wait until the following morning to mark them in an existing task, create a new ‘pretend’ task. This will add them to your class list. You can then mark the task you really want to and then you can delete the ‘pretend’ task.

lightbulb_on   If a student leaves a course in the current timetable and you haven’t recorded any marks for them, their name will not appear on the class list – even if you extend your date range back to when they were in the class. This rule applies to the current timetable period only. If a student was in a class in a previous timetable period, but left before the end of that period, their name would still appear on the class list if you entered a date range for that time. This is regardless of whether they had any marks entered for them or not.