Marking outcomes and profiles


As with entering marks and comments, teachers can enter outcome results using a whole class view or by individual student.

Entering outcome results using a whole class view

1)Go to Academic | Class | S1 Outcomes (or S2 Outcomes).
2)Select a class from the Search for your Class drop down list.
3)A whole class marking screen, including outcomes and profiles as well as marks and grades etc is loaded.
4)To mark an outcome click in a student’s outcome drop down list. As you do, the description of the outcome and the full description of the mark options appears in a legend at the top right of screen.

5)Select a result and move to the next outcome or next student.
6)Click Save.


lightbulb_on  The quickest way to mark this screen is to use the tab button to move right across the screen, or the down arrow to move down the screen and then type a letter to record a mark.


Entering outcome results using the individual student view

To enter outcome results using the individual student view click on a student’s green tick icon. Follow the instructions described in the previous section.