Other tabs on the class details popup


Contact Details tab

This tab contains student and carer names, email addresses, mobile numbers and home addresses.

You can email students or their carers using the ‘Email Selected Students’ or ‘Email Selected Parents’ buttons at the bottom of the list.

The Toggle All button will select all students for emailing. Check and uncheck the tick boxes to include them in your email.

Current Locations tab

This tab will show you where students from your class are right now.

This can be useful if you are looking for a student in a class you are holding later on today.

Attendance Summary tab

This tab will show you the percentage of time a student has been in your class.

Attendance Detail tab

This tab will show you attendance to specific classes in a more visual way than the Attendance Summary tab.

Students who were absent from one of your classes will be showing a red cell on the date of the class.

If you hover over the class cell you will be able to read more information about the lesson and also the reason for the student’s absence.