Permission slips


Event permission slips can be printed from either Calendar | Events | Manage or from an attending teacher’s calendar.

To print from Calendar | Events | Manage:

1.Single click on the event you wish to work with (to select it).

Then from the Actions area, select Print Permission Slip.


2.A PDF will be created, which you can then print on paper or save to your computer.


The Permission Slip looks like this:

It is designed to be handed out to students to take home, with the intention that they return the signed bottom section to school.

The normal permission slip includes one page per attendee, and shows contact information stored for that student.

If you prefer to print a blank permission slip, use Print Permission Slip – Blank.


information2 More information on entering the information that is printed on the permission slip.


To print from an attending teacher’s calendar:

Go to the teacher’s calendar and locate the event.

Right click on the event and select ‘Print Permission Slip’.

A pdf will be created, which you can then print on paper or save to your computer