Setting absence defaults


When creating absence records, iWise will load a default absence type. The default type can be managed via Attendance | Types.

1)Go to Data Entry | Attendance | Types.
2)From the Actions area, select Set absence defaults and click Go.

1)The Absence defaults popup will appear. Select the relevant absence types to be used for whole day absences, late arrival, early leave and absences created from sickbay.
2)Click Save.
3)Click Close.




Explanation of the fields on the Absence Defaults popup:



Whole day absences

When you click to make a student absent on Attendance | Manage this is the absence type that will be loaded.

Late arrival

On Attendance | Manage, when you enter a time into the ‘Arrived’ column, or if you click to make a student late this is the absence type that will be loaded.

Early leave

On Attendance | Manage, when you enter a time in the ‘Departed’ column, this is the absence type that will be loaded.

Absences created from sickbay

When a student leaves sickbay to go home you can create an absence record for them from the sickbay screen. The absence type selected here is the default absence type that will be used.