Student Details – Markbook tab


The Markbook tab on the Student Details screen lists all tasks (and results) for a student, across all their subjects. The information is graphed on the Graph accordion.

1.Go to Home | Students | Details.
2.Enter part or all of a student’s first name or surname (not both) into the Find a Student field.

3.Click Search.
4.If there is more than one student with that first name or surname you will see a list of students to choose from. Click on the student you are looking for.

5.You are taken to the Student Details screen. Click on the Markbook tab.

This tab contains two accordions – Tasks and Graph. It opens with the Task accordion showing.

This accordion lists all the tasks taken by the student and their results.

  As with many columns throughout iWise, you can click on a column heading to sort by that column. This can be helpful to group the tasks by subject.

6.Click on an individual task to see details about that task in the summary area on the right.
7.The summary area contains three accordions – Task Details, Task Statistics and Mark Details. Click on each of these headings to reveal the accordion.

All the information is read only. If you want to edit anything, you will need to go to the task itself in the Markbook.

8.To view task results on a graph, click on the Graph accordion.


This graph shows the student’s results over a number of years across the various faculties that you have selected. Note, you will only see your own subject’s faculty unless you are that student’s pastoral carer, or if you have been given access to all academic data in iWise.

If you want to show the comparison using the ‘Z-Score’, simply click in the ‘Show Z Score’ checkbox. Z Scores measure the student’s mark compared to the average, with a Z Score of 0 indicating the student received the average mark.