Calendar administration |
Subscribing to you iWise calendar in Google, Outlook or Lotus Notes A teacher timetables, events and cover lessons can appear in your Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes. This is achieved by clicking the iCal button on either a teacher’s calendar or their My Day screen. You can also subscribe to individual event calendars via Calendar | Events | Calendar. Teacher timetable, events and/or cover lesson subscriptions
Click the iCal button, below the Actions area.
This brings up instructions for subscribing to your iWise calendar.
When you are subscribed to your iWise calendar, new events and cover classes will appear automatically in your Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar or Lotus Notes. Events etc will show only one year in advance. (ie: if you enter an event that is taking place in December 2025, you won’t be able to see it on your google calendar until December 2024). The calendar that is exported will be that of the logged on iWise user. This means, that logged onto iWise as you, you will only be able to export your own information.
Individual school calendar subscriptions Individual school calendars can also be subscribed to in Google, Outlook and Lotus Notes.