Individual tasks can be combined to create a final combined mark. This is done via the Actions area.
1. | Search for the subject and/or class you wish to work with. |
2. | Adjust the date range so that the tasks you want to combine are displayed on screen. The tasks you want to combine need to be visible on the main screen – if they are not they won’t be visible when you come to combine them. |
3. | From the Actions area, select Combine Tasks. |
4. | The Combine Tasks popup will appear. |
The top section of this popup is used to enter the combined task name, what the final mark will be out of and to specify how the marks will be combined.
The bottom section of this popup lists all the tasks available for combining. These are all the tasks that are currently being displayed in the main grid.
if there are a lot of tasks being displayed in the main grid you may need to scroll up and down to find the tasks you are looking for in this popup. Alternatively, if the dates of the tasks you wish to combine allow it, you could shorten your date range and thereby reduce the total number of tasks being displayed in the main grid.
5. | Enter a Combined Task Name. |
6. | Specify what the combined task will be Out Of. By default, a value of 100 is already inserted into this field, but you can change it if required. |
7. | When tasks are combined, they are actually ‘scaled’ together. For this reason, select a Scaling Method. |
The most common – and recommended - method to use when combining is Out Of Scaling. Use this method if you want to simply add the tasks together, using the weightings you are about to enter.
See below for some considerations for choosing which method you use to combine.
8. | Once you have selected the scaling method you need to select the tasks that will be combined. |
You do this by entering a Weight for the tasks you wish to combine.
The weights you enter don’t need to add up to any particular number – they are not percentages. The weights of the tasks are worked out as numbers in relation to each other. For example, if you were combining two tasks, one you wanted to be weighted twice as much as the other, you could enter weights of 1 and 2, or you could enter weights of 50 and 100. You would end up with the same result.
It is true, however, that often your assessment schedule will tell you that, for example, task 1 is worth 20% of the final mark, task 2 worth 50% etc. In this case, entering the percentage figure is quite appropriate.
9. | Enter the weight of each component task into the Weight column. |
11. | A popup will appear, asking you to confirm that you want the tasks combined. |
13. | The popups will close and the combined task will appear in the main grid. Combined tasks appear in purple. |