Helpful questions for setting up pastoral types


The following questions can help you when setting up your pastoral types. Answer the questions before you start setting up your pastoral types in iWise, and answer the questions for each pastoral type you plan to use.


What is the name of the pastoral type?

Use something short and meaningful.


Are you going to include sub categories with this pastoral type? If so, which ones?

Sub Categories are optional. They can be useful, but if you are starting out with pastoral records, including sub categories can add a level of complexity that sometimes isn’t necessary. You can always add sub categories to a pastoral type after it is created.


Are you going to specify a category for this pastoral type? If so, which one?

Putting a pastoral type into a category is optional. It can be useful if, for example, you have many different types of awards, and you want to be able to search on all awards given. Or if you have many types of detentions, and you want to be able to search on all detention types.

As with sub categories, sometimes adding a category can add an unnecessary level of complexity – especially if you are just starting out.


Who is allowed to create records of this type?

You can specify who is allowed to create records of this type. If you select no one, then anyone can create records of this type. However, if you would like to restrict who can create records of this type you are able to. When making your selections you can specify an individual person and/or a school role. (For example, only an individual student’s pastoral carer can create a record of this type for that student.)


Who is allowed to see records or this type once they are created?

You can also specify who is allowed to see records of this type once they are created. If you make no selections then everyone will be able to see them. You options are everyone, the giver of the record, the authorizor of the record, the informee, people with pastoral admin permissions and/or the school counselor.


Who will be notified of the creation of records of this type?

You can specify who will be notified once records of this type are created (and authorised, if the type has been set up to require authorisation). If you don’t specify any one then no one will be notified. When making your selections you can specify an individual person and/or a school role.


Who can delete records of this type?

You can specify who can delete a record of this type. If you select no one then only the creator of the record and people with pastoral admin (or admin) permissions will be able to delete it. When making your selections you can specify an individual person and/or a school role.


Do records of this type require authorization?

You have the flexibility to set up pastoral types so that one person can create a record, but it doesn’t become ‘official’ until it is authorised.


Who is required to authorize records of this type?

If you have decided that records of this type will require authorisation, who will be authorising them? When making your selections you can specify an individual person and/or a school role. If you wish, you can specify more than one person as the authorisor, but the record only needs to be authorised by one person to become ‘official’.


Do you want the authorizer to be notified?

If you are requiring records of this type to be authorised, it is a good idea to notify them when a record of this type is created.


Does this type have a reciprocal type?

If so, which one?


Do you want iWise to automatically set the due date?

Select yes here unless you really want to manually add the due date when records of this type are created.


Do you want iWise to automatically set the completion date?

Select no here if the type you are setting up is one where you want to manually record that a student has turned up for detention, for example, or received an award you are handing out.


Do you want to allow parents to be emailed about records of this type?


And a few extra considerations if the type you are setting up is a detention:


What day will the detention be served?

What time does it start?

Use the time format 00:00, 24 hour clock.


What time does it finish?

Use the time format 00:00, 24 hour clock.


What is the cut off day?

Detentions issued after the day you specify will be required to be served in the following week.