How iWise determines who can see which tasks


Not all staff members will be able to see all tasks. The rules about who can see which tasks are as follows:

1.Users with iWise Admin permissions are able to see all tasks.
2.Staff members who are Heads of Departments are able to see all tasks in their department.
3.A teacher who currently teaches a particular subject is able to see all subject based tasks for that subject. They are able to see marks for all students of their subject (all classes).

This rule applies UNLESS the task has been set up to make the marks available to a teacher’s own class only. This is done on the individual task – on the Full Task Edit popup, on the Advanced tab.

With this setting on, teachers will see the names of the students in the other classes, but not their marks.

4.A teacher who currently teaches a particular class is able to see all class based tasks for that class. Teachers cannot see class based tasks for classes they do not teach.
5.In addition to teachers being able to see tasks in subjects they currently teach, they will also be able to see tasks in subjects that are in the current academic report period.

This rule can be useful if you make a change to your timetable in term 4, for example. A teacher may be no longer taking a class but still needs access to the subject in the markbook because they are completing academic reports.