How to create a task common to more than one class

1.On the main Markbook screen, search for one of the classes that will form part of the common task. Remember to use the ‘Select for Class Tasks’ field when searching for classes (rather than subjects).

2.Create a task for that class.

3.Once you can see the task on the main grid right click on it and select Full Task Edit.
4.Go to the Basic tab.
5.Click the Edit button below the Timetable, Scope and Subject information.

6.On the popup that appears, click on the Common tab.
7.This tab shows a list of other classes in the subject. Check the tick box(es) of the classes this task is common to.

8.You need to save this now – and the save button is on the scope tab (!!). Click on the Scope tab.
9.Click Save.
10.You will see an alert box, asking you if you are ok to make this task common with one other class. Click OK.

11.Click Save.
12.The popup will close and the Statistics area will be showing two rows – one for the original class and one for the class you just made in common.

13.The Mark this Task tab will also now be showing students from both classes.

14.Back on the main grid, you will be able to see this task if you select either of the two classes in the Select for Class tasks. However, if you select ‘All Students’ in this field, this task will be hidden.


Class 1:

Class 2:

All Students: