How to mark the roll |
If a student is absent, simply click in the Current Period column and select ABSENT. If they arrive late, click in the Time In column. This will insert the current time into this column and change the student’s attendance status to PARTIAL. If they leave early, click in the Time Out column. This will insert the current time into this column and also change the student’s attendance status to PARTIAL. If a student arrives late and leaves early, it is fine to have a time value in both the Time In and Time Out columns. The attendance status will still be PARTIAL. 1. If a student has been recorded as attending an event, it will show here. When marking the roll, leave this as is – don’t change this to ‘Absent’.
2. If a student is absent for the whole period, their row will be highlighted in red.
3. If they are absent for part of the period, their row will be highlighted in purple.
If a student has been marked absent using the whole day absence screen this will flow through to the period marking screen. The absence type that was used on the whole day absence screen will show here, even if it is not available to teachers as they mark other students as absent.
Absence types available to teachers as they mark the roll each period is managed via Data Entry | Attendance | Types.
If a student is not in class because they are expected on an event, their attendance status will show as On Event, and the location of the event will be displayed in the Other Location column. A student’s attendance to previous periods today can be seen in the coloured cells before the current period. The colours displayed are the same as used elsewhere in iWise:
More information on managing absence types.
When looking at a student’s attendance to previous periods, keep in mind that it is displaying the student’s attendance to their class. It is possible for a student to be absent from class, but present at school. For example, if a student is on an event (ie not in class) they will be highlighted in red, showing as absent from class with an absence type of On Event. Their attendance to the event can then be viewed or marked via the event roll.