Other roll marking considerations


How to mark a student absent from an event but present at school

Occasionally a student will be absent from an event but not actually absent from school. This can be managed by marking the event roll with the option ‘At school’.

When marking the event roll, the event supervisor should mark what they see, and if the student is not in front of them, mark them as absent. This will show on the attendance management screen as an absence from the event:


The record can then be modified by someone who can confirm the whereabouts of the student - to show that they were actually at school.

1.Click on the student’s row, which loads the details of the absence in the green area on the right.
2.Select ‘At School’ from the Attendance drop down list.

Click Save.


Once saved, the student will be showing green (meaning present). However, they will still be showing that they have been recorded as an attendee to the event.