CivicaPublishing tasks for academic reporting


Marks, grades and ranks can be automatically moved from the Markbook to the Academic area for reporting. Because publishing removes the need for double entry of marks for reporting, publishing your marks will save time and allow you to be confident that there are no errors from entering marks incorrectly.

You are able to publish marks, ranks, grades, the mean and/or the count (cohort). You can also publish a mark to an outcome, if required.


lightbulb_on   Most schools store their academic report data in iWise. It is possible, however, to store academic data in Maze. Please speak to Civica if your academic data is stored in Maze, as your publishing options may be limited.


There are two steps to publishing marks for reporting:

1.Set up the tasks for publishing. (link)

This is specifying which marks are going to go where. It is done on a task-by-task basis, using the Publishing and Scaling tab of the Full Task Edit popup.

2.Publish the marks. (link)

Publishing the marks can be done on a task-by-task basis, on in bulk by subject or year.