Setting up tasks for publishing |
Before you can move marks from the Markbook to the Academic module you need to set up the relevant task so that iWise knows which data is going where. The relevant academic report period, and it mark fields also need to be set up before you can publish to them.
The left side of this tab is where you set up the fields for publishing.
By default, the academic report period that was current at the time the task was created will already be selected in this field. Often, this is the academic period you want to publish to, but if it isn’t, select the correct academic report period here.
If you do make a change in this field click Save and then close and reopen the Full Task Edit popup. This will refresh the options in the fields below – which is important so you can select the correct ones.
For example, the screen shot below shows a task set up to publish the Final Mark to the academic report field called ‘Sem-Mark’ and the Grade to the academic report field called ‘Sem-Grade’.
Not all fields need to be used – only the ones relevant to your publishing.
The publishing set up will vary from school to school, depending on your academic report requirements. Please speak to your school iWise representative, or to Civica, if you need help with the publishing set up for your particular school reports.
The Academic Period is an important field to get right. If the academic period is not right it is very likely that you won’t see the marks in the academic module when you publish them. The options in the fields below the academic period field will also not be correct. Please speak to Civica if you have many tasks that need to have this field modified – we should be able to change them globally. (This can happen in Semester 2 if you have more than one report period per year and you have set up all your tasks at the beginning of the year.)
You can only use a destination field once per subject, per academic report period. For example, you can only publish the final mark to the Semester 2 Mark field on one task in year 7 English. If you attempt to set up a second task to use the same field in the same subject and academic period you will see that it has already been used on another task. The screen shot below is showing that the Final Mark has been set up to be published to the Sem – Mark field for this subject on another task called ‘Language’. If you attempted to publish this task you would find that the marks did not appear correctly in the academic module.
The second step in publishing marks is to actually move them from the markbook to the academic module. This can be done on a task-by-task basis, or in bulk by subject or year.