As you click on a row in the main grid, details about the student and the absence record are loaded in the Absence Detail area to the right of the main grid.
The Absence Detail area contains three accordions titled Details, Reason and Contact Details. The Reason accordion is the one that is initially displayed.
If you are recording that a student is absent, and want to enter more details than just recording the default absence type you would:
1) | Click on the student’s coloured cell, to turn it from green (or purple) to red. |
2) | Change the default Absence type (if required) by clicking on it in the main grid and selecting the preferred option. |
3) | In the Absence Details area, enter a Reason for the absence, plus other information as relevant. |
4) | Click Save in the Absence Details area, to save the absence details. (The work you have done in the main grid has automatically saved.) |
5) | If you want to contact the student’s carers click on the Contact Details accordion. This accordion displays contact details for the two primary carers. (These will be the parents for iWise Link schools, and Carer 1 and Carer 2 for iWise Professional schools.) |
The name of the carer is an email link. Click on it to send an email.
If your school is set up to send SMS messages via iWise, the mobile phone is a SMS link. Click on it to send an SMS message.
The fields on the Absence Details accordions are as follows:
Details Accordion
This is the date of the absence record. If you change the date here the record for this day will be deleted, and a new record for the date you entered will be recorded.
If you want to create absence records for more than one day, create them by using the Name field.
See page 20 for instructions on how to create absences for multiple days.
Use this field to select the absence type. The absence type is also editable in the main grid.
Absence types are managed via Data Entry | Attendance | Types.
If a student is late, use this field to record or edit what time they arrived. The time a student arrived is also editable in the main grid.
If a student is leaving school early, use this field to record what time they left. The time a student is leaving is also editable in the main grid.
Expected back
If a student is returning to school after a time of leave use this field to record the time they are expected back. This is the time you are expecting them - and not the same as the time they actually arrive. The time they are expected back appears on a student’s leave pass and indicates the time for which a student has permission to be away from school.
If a student is returning to school after a time of leave use this field to record what time they actually arrived. This is potentially different to the time they said they would be back. The time a student returns to school is also editable in the main grid. If a student is not returning to school that day leave this field blank.
Recorded by
Use this field to record who created the absence record. This field will default to the user currently logged on to iWise. If you are creating an early leave record and want to have another teacher’s name on the leave pass, select the other teacher here.
Reason Accordion
Use this field to enter a short reason why the student is absent.
This field includes a ‘remember’ icon.
If the ‘remember’ icon is on, iWise will remember what you have entered into this field and load it for the next record you create. If the remember icon is off, the field will be blank for the next record you create.
‘Remember’ icon ON
‘Remember’ icon OFF
The ‘remember’ function is particularly useful when recording the 25 students who all turned up late because of the same late bus. It will save you entering ‘bus late’ on all 25 records.
Use this field to enter a longer reason for the absence, or notes about the absence. This field also contains a ‘remember’ icon.
Use this field to record whether the absence is ‘explained’ or not.
This field will be automatically filled with the default you set via the Absence Types screen, but can be overridden if required.
By whom
Use this field to record who explained the absence. ie: who sent the note, or who made the phone call.
Use this field to record the method that was used to explain the absence (written, phone call etc).
Carer said
This field is for a function currently not available. It is read only, and will display the reason given by a parent for an absence via Civica’s portal, igloo.
Attach note
Use this field to attach a file – ideally the note used to explain the absence.