How to record whole day absences, late arrival or early leave – using a class list


Whole day absences are recorded via the main absences screen - Data Entry | Attendance | Manage.

If you are a pastoral carer, when you first come to this screen the day displayed will be today and your pastoral group will be loaded in the main grid. If you have iWise Absence Admin or Admin permissions or if you are a normal teacher (not a pastoral carer) the day displayed will also be today but all students will be displayed in the main grid.



1)To mark a roll for today, first search for the roll you are going to mark.

If you are a pastoral carer, and you are going to mark your pastoral roll, it will automatically be loaded when you come to this screen. If you are not a pastoral carer you will need to search for the relevant roll to mark.

2)Select the relevant option from the Pastoral Group or Class fields and click Search.


lightbulb_on If you would like a list of students other than a single pastoral group or class you may like to use the additional search fields.


information2 More information about the additional search options.


On this screen, the coloured cells indicate whether a student is Present (green), Absent for the full day (red) or has been Absent for part of the day (purple).

The table on the following page describes how to create absent, late and early leave records. As you create these records they will automatically save as you click off a row.

3)To mark that a student is absent, late or leaving early do the following:


To record that a student is:


Absent for the full day

Click in the green coloured cell.

An absence record will be created and the cell will turn red. The default absence type for whole day absences will be loaded in the Absence Type column.

The absence Type column is editable. Click on it to select a different absence type, if required. Other details about the absences are loaded in the green details area on the right.

The record will automatically save.

See below for more information about adding additional information about the absence in the details area.

Arriving late to school

Click in the Arrived column.

The current time will be inserted into the Arrived column and a partial absence record will be created. The coloured cell will turn purple and the default absent type for late records will be loaded in the Absence Type column. Details about the absence record will load in the details area on the right.

Depending on your iWise set up, a print dialog will appear, giving you the opportunity to print a late note.

See page 19 for more information about printing late notes.

Leaving early from school

Click in the Departed column.

The current time will be inserted into the Departed column and a partial absence record will be created. The coloured cell will turn purple and the default absent type for early leave records will be loaded in the Absence Type column. Details about the absence record will load in the details area on the right.



Depending on your iWise set up, a print dialog will appear, giving you the opportunity to print a leave pass.

See page 19 for more information about printing leave passes.

If the student returns from leave click in the Returned column. The current time will be inserted. If a student does not return from leave that day it is fine to leave the Returned column blank.


lightbulb_on As you click to create either an absence, late or early leave record the default absence type will be automatically loaded. Default absence types can be specified via Data Entry | Absences | Types. You will need iWise Absence Admin or Admin permissions to access this screen.


information2 More information on how to set absence defaults.