Working with tasks


Creating a new task

In the iWise markbook, results are stored in ‘Tasks’. Tasks are stored in their subject or class. You can create tasks that are just for your own class, for a whole subject or for a whole year group.

Tasks can be marked with a number, a grade or just a comment. When marking a task with a grade, the grade can be automatically calculated based on a mark you enter, or you can manually enter a grade.

Individual tasks can also be combined to produce a final mark.

Creating a task is the first thing you need to do when starting to use the markbook.


To create a task

1.    Click on the Markbook module button to access the main markbook screen.

2.    From the top Search area select the subject you wish to create the task for.

      If you are creating a task for a whole subject, leave the Select for Class tasks as ‘All Students’. If you are creating a task for just one class select a class from this drop down list.

      information2   More information about subject based and class based tasks.

3.    From the Actions area, select ‘Add New Task’ and click Go.

      lightbulb_on   ‘Add New Task’ is the default selection for the Actions area. So unless you have used another action ‘Add New Task’ will be pre-selected.

4.   The Add New Task pop up appears.

5.   Enter a Task Name.

6.   Hit your Tab key to move to the next field, Column Heading. As you do, suggested column heading will be automatically inserted into this field.

The column heading is the task title you see on the main screen grid. Having a column heading different from the task title allows you to have a long task title (iWise allows up to 100 characters) and a shorter version for viewing on screen.

The suggested column heading is the first 4 characters of the first two words of the task name.

You can leave the column heading as the one generated for you or change it to one you prefer, up to 15 characters.

7.   Enter the date that task will be held in the Task Date field.

8.   Enter what the task is Out Of. The default here is 100, which you can change if required.

If you are creating a task that is going to be marked by a manual grade or by a comment only, leave the Out Of field as 100. You will specify that the task is to be marked with a grade or comment on the Task Details popup later on.

9.   Click Add.

Once you do the pop up will close and the task will appear in the main screen grid.

lightbulb_on   You can set up all your tasks, even your combined tasks, before any marks are ready to be entered. Schools will often set up their entire Markbook at the beginning of the year and then add the         marks as the results are known.

lightbulb_on   It is a good idea to enter a correct task date for each task for the following reasons:
- Tasks are easier to find in the main grid if they are dated correctly;
- Markbook tasks will appear on your iWise Calendar on the right days (see page 65);
- The timetable term associated with the task will default to the correct term (see page 81)
- The task clash information will be correct (see page 30); and
- The assessment schedule report will be correct (see page 71).