Assigning a dropdown list set to a subject


Once you have the dropdown lists recorded you need to specify which set each subject will use. iWise allows for one set for grades, one for outcomes and one for profiles for each subject. The same set is used for both slot's reports.


information2  Please speak to Civica if you require more than one set of indicators for grades, outcomes or profiles for an individual subject.

lightbulb_on  By default, all subjects will be assigned the default set of dropdown lists. If you are using the default list – even if you have modified the values – you can ignore this section.

It is only if you have subjects that need a dropdown list than the default that you will need to manually specify it.


1)Go to Academic | Admin | Manage Subjects.
2)Search for and click on a subject you want to work with.

3)On the tab that loads – the General tab – you will see the Grade, Outcome and Profile fields near the bottom of the screen. They will be showing the default dropdown list.

4)To change to a different in list select the correct option from the relevant drop down list.
5)Click Submit to save your selection.

Click Next to move to the next subject or Back to List to search for another.