If your school is using more than one dropdown list (called in lists in iWise) each for grades, outcomes or profiles you will need to create additional lists.
1) | Use the same screen – Academic | Admin | In Lists. |
2) | When the screen first loads the top right quadrant ‘Set List Detail’ will be grey and the grid of indicators bottom right will be empty. |
3) | Click Add in the top right quadrant. |
4) | Enter the name of the in list into the Description field. |
5) | Check the Active tick box. |
6) | Click Save. This has saved the list but it has no value yet. |
7) | At the bottom of the screen click Add New Item. |
This adds a row in the bottom right grid where you can enter a value, prompt and sort order.
8) | Click Save after you have finished entering the first indicator. |
9) | Click Add New Item to enter another. You need to click Save after entering each indicator and before adding the next. Make sure you click Save at the end to save your last one. |
If you have already clicked on a list and then want to add a new one you will find that you can’t click the Add button. Click Cancel then Add.