Attendees tab


Once you have set up the details of an event the next thing you may want to do is record who is going. This is done on the Attendees tab. Adding a person as an attendee to an event will put the event on their calendar, will allow iWise to display where the person is during the duration of the event and allow you to mark and event roll.


lightbulb_on Adding attendees is recommended so you can tailor a person’s calendar to include only the events relevant to them, (and for the reasons listed above), but adding attendees is not mandatory.


Sometimes you may want the whole school to have the event displayed on their calendar, but not have to record everyone as an attendee. (For example, a whole school assembly, or whole school sports carnival). To do this leave the Attendees tab blank. If you don’t record any attendees, the event will be considered ‘public’ and will appear on everyone’s individual calendar.

The Attendees tab has 3 main areas:

a.A Search area, for locating a list of potential attendees;
b.A Search Results area, which displays a list potential attendees for you to select from; and
c.The Event Attendees area, which is where the attendees you select are displayed.

     A clash details key is also displayed at the bottom of the screen

To record attendees:

1.Click on the Attendees tab. First, search for a list of potential attendees. For example, if this is a year 7 event you may want to see a list of all year 7 students.

In the example below we will record that 10 year 7 students are attending the event, along with 3 staff members.


First we will add the students.

In the Search area, check or uncheck the Students, Staff and Carers tick boxes so that the only one selected is Students.

Then select Year 7 from the School Year drop down box.

Click Search.


A list of all Year 7 students will be displayed in the Search results area.

To add a student to the event click on their name. This will move them to the Event Attendees area, on the right of screen.


Next we will add the staff members. This is done in the same way, this time searching for staff instead of students.

In the Search area, make sure the Staff tick box is checked, and that School Year is back to Select Value.


lightbulb_on  The quickest way to reset all the fields is to click Clear at the bottom, next to the Search button.


Click Search. A list of all staff members will be displayed.

Click on the attending staff members and they will be added to the top of the list of Event Attendees.

Click Save.


Other features on the Attendees tab

When searching for potential attendees, the More button at the bottom of the Search area will give you many more search criteria to select from.
-The Activities column allows you to specify criteria based on co-curricular involvement recorded in iWise.
-The Groups column allows you to specify criteria based on groups set up in iWise Professional. This column is not relevant to schools using iWise with an external data base.


If you hover over the class details icon you will see details about that student.

If you want to add everyone from your list of potential attendees, click the Add All button at the bottom of the Search Results list.

To send an email to everyone attending the event, click the Email All button at the bottom left of the Event Attendees list.

To delete an attendee from an event click the red x icon. Or, if you want to remove everyone, click the Delete All button at the bottom right of the Event Attendees list.

lightbulb_on  If an attendee is supposed to be attending the event, and they don’t because they are away, mark them as absent from the event, rather than removing them as an attendee.

information2 More information about marking event rolls


The Class Details icon will show you if the attendee has anything on which may affect their attendance to this event. The key at the bottom of this tab shows you what the different colours mean.

You will not be able to add an attendee to an event if they have a full clash (red / overlapping events) or a partial clash (yellow / partially overlapping events)

If you hover over the clash details icon you will see the event that is causing the clash.