How calendars are displayed


How an individual’s calendar is displayed

Teachers, Students and Rooms all have individual calendars. Your individual calendar may be your iWise home page, but if not, your calendar and calendars for other individuals can be accessed via the Home | Timetables menu.

To access a calendar go to Home | Timetables | All. By default, your calendar will be displayed, but you can search for other individuals’ calendars using the Search area on the left of screen.

Use the three fields in the Search area to locate the calendar you are looking for.

1.If you have more than on Campus at your school, use the Campus field to first select the relevant campus.
2.Then select the Timetable (or Calendar) Type. You can find calendars for teachers, students or rooms.
3.Use the Individual field to find who you are looking for. The easiest way to use this field is to click in it and then type the first few letters of the individual’s surname (or number if you are looking for a room). This will either select the person, or move you close enough to their name that you can click on them.
4.Then click Search. The individual’s calendar will then load.


lightbulb_on   The menus Home | Timetables | All, Timetables | Teachers, Timetables | Students and Timetables | Rooms are all very similar. You can use any of these to find the calendar you are looking for. The difference between the 4 menus is that the ‘Timetable Type’ field will be filtered according to the menu you have clicked For example, if you click Home | Timetables | Rooms, the ‘Timetable Type’ field will already be displaying ‘Rooms’.

     The exception to this is Home | Timetables | Students, where you will have the opportunity to search for a specific student before you are taken to the main calendar page.


An individual’s calendar will show many things. As well as showing the events the individual is attending, their calendar will show public events, their timetable, extra classes they have been given (Covers), their absences and even their Markbook tasks. Students’ detentions can also show on their calendar.

When a teacher clicks on a class they are able to mark the roll, record and access the class lesson plan and homework, view the current location and contact details for students and view class attendance information.