Managing thresholds for specific tasks


When marking a task with a grade – either manually or automatically – you can use one of your school’s default grade lists with default thresholds or you can customize the grades themselves or the thresholds for the specific task you are working with.

lightbulb_on  You can only customise a grade list for one task at a time. If you are going to use the same grade list with the same thresholds for more than one task it may be less work to create a new default list.

information2 More information about creating default grade lists.

1.Search for the task you wish to work with, right click and select Full Task Edit.
2.Go to the Basic tab.
3.If you haven’t done so already, select a grade from the Grade List field.

It is a good idea to select the default grade list that is closest to the actual one you want to use. This will save you a whole lot of time, and make the naming of the customised grade make more sense.

4.Click the Customise Grade button (below the Grade List field).

5.The Custom Grade popup appears. This popup shows you the grades being used and their thresholds.

Importantly, the threshold is expressed as a percentage. This can be a bit of a gottcha if the task is out of anything other than 100.

In the screen shot below the thresholds are set up so that all students who received 80% or above in the task will receive a grade of ‘A’. Students who received between 60% and 79.99% will receive a grade of ‘B’ etc.

6.To modify the thresholds click in a Threshold cell and enter a new number. Remember that thresholds are percentages – which is different to marks if the task is not out of 100.

7.To modify the name of the grade, click in a Desc Short (short description) and Desc Long (long description) field and make the changes as required.

The Desc Short field is the field that you will see on screen.

The Desc Long field does need a value, and it can be the same as the Desc Short field. It is not seen on the markbook screen, or used on any standard Markbook reports. But if your school is using this task for a custom report it is possible that this field could be used on that report. If this were the case you would have been informed by your school iWise representative, or by Civica. If you know of no report that uses this field, make the long description the same as the short description.

8.If you would like to add an additional grade marker, click Add. This adds a new line to the top of the grid. Enter the short and long description and then the threshold.

9.If you have added a new grade marker, you may like to edit the Sort Order. The sort order is the order in which the grades appear in the drop down list as you mark with them.
10.If you would like to delete a grade marker, click on the red x icon in the Del column.
11.When you have finished working with your grades, click Save.
12.Then click the X icon in the top right of the popup to close the popup.
13.The Grade List field will now be showing that you are using a customised grade list.

14.Click Save.
15.Click Close.


lightbulb_on  Remember that thresholds are expressed as percentages. This is not the same as the mark if your task is not out of 100.