Marking a task with an automatic grade


Rather than calculate the grade yourself, iWise is able to allocate a grade for you. The grade is based on a numeric mark you enter and can either use school default thresholds, or thresholds managed by you for the one specific task.


1.First create a task, entering the relevant ‘Out Of’ value.
2.When the task is created and you can see it in the main grid, right click on it and select Full Task Edit.
3.Go to the Basic tab.
4.In the Mark Type field, leave the value as Numeric.

5.In the Grade List field, select the grade list you wish iWise to use.

The thresholds used are specified with the grade list.

Your school manages the grade lists for you to mark with. If the list you wish to use is not already an option you may need to either create a new default list or create a list for this task only.

information2   More information about creating school default grade lists

If you want to check the thresholds used on the default, or if you want to change the thresholds to suit this one task you can do this by clicking the Customise Grade button.

information2  More information about creating a grade list, or editing the thresholds for use on this one task only.

6.As you select the grade list you will see a warning box that says that all manual grades will be cleared. Click OK.

7.Click Save.

The task is now set up for iWise to allocate the grades. Grades can be seen on the Mark this task tab.

8.Click on the Mark this task tab.
9.Begin marking your task by entering a numeric mark into the Mark field.
10.When you have entered some marks, click Save.

The marks you entered are being automatically saved, but clicking Save will refresh the screen and reveal the grades that have been allocated.


If you are not happy with the grades that have been allocated you can change the thresholds for this task only.

information2 More information about editing the thresholds for use on this one task only.

Alternatively, if you would like to manually change one or two of the grades yourself, you can do so by clicking on the grade cell and selecting another option.

Once you click Save, and the screen refreshes, the manually changed grade will be highlighted.


11.Once you have finished working with the grades, click Save and Close.

Back on the main screen, the task is showing the numeric marks you entered. Tasks set up to have iWise calculate the grade automatically show the numeric mark on the main screen.