Marking a task with a manual grade

1.To create a task that will be marked with a grade only first create the task, leaving the ‘Out Of’ number at the default of 100.
2.When the task is created and you can see it in the main grid, right click on it and select Full Task Edit.
3.Go to the Basic tab.
4.In the Mark Type field, select Grade.

5.In the Grade List field, select the grade list you wish to mark with.

Your school manages the grade lists for you to mark with. If the list you wish to use is not already an option you may need to either create a new default list or create a list for this task only.

information2 More information about creating school default grade lists

information2 More information about creating a grade list for use on this one task only.

6.As you select the grade list you will see a warning box that says that all manual grades will be cleared. You haven’t entered any grade lists, so it won’t matter if they are cleared. So click OK.

lightbulb_on  if you are working with a task you created earlier, and are just changing the grade list, be mindful of this warning. You may have to go back and remark and grades you had already entered.

7.Click Save.
8.Click Close.

The task now appears in the main grid, with a drop down list of grades to mark with rather than a numeric field.