Notifying teachers and pastoral carers


Notifying teachers of their absent students

Notifying teachers of their absent students can only be done via email (not SMS). The absent student on a teacher’s list will contain only students they teach.

1)From the Actions area, select Notify Teachers.
2)This brings up a small pop up. Click Send Now.

3)The emails messages will be sent and you will see confirmation of this in the bottom right hand corner.
4)This is a sample email the teacher will receive after the notification has been sent.

Sending an absence summary to pastoral carers

A summary of student absences can also be sent to pastoral carers in a similar way. The pastoral carer will receive an email alerting them to absent students from their pastoral group, over a date range specified as the email is sent. Sending the absence summary to pastoral carers can only be done by email (not SMS).

1)From the Actions area, select Notify Pastoral Carers.
2)This brings up a small pop up. By default, the date range will be showing the past 7 days. Click in From Date and/or To Date if you wish to change the dates.
3)Click Send Now.

4)The emails will be sent and you will see confirmation of this in the bottom right hand corner.


lightbulb_on Email and SMS notification to parents and staff does not have to be limited to the default iWise notifications (for example, you may like automatic emails to be sent to pastoral carers when one of their students is away 3 times in a term).

Please speak to Civica if you would like to set up notifications other than the defaults.