Searching for existing events |
All your school events can be found via Calendar | Events | Manage. If any of these events have been flagged private, they will only be visible to the person who created it and iWise users with Admin or Calendar Admin permissions. Events to which teachers are attending, plus public events, can be seen on a teacher’s calendar. (Home | Timetables | Teachers). Events to which a student is attending can be seen on the student’s calendar. (Home | Timetables | Students). Public events don’t appear on students’ timetables.
Using Calendar | Events | Manage to find events The first time you come to Calendar | Events | Manage you will see the events in List view. By default, the date range displayed will be from today to one week in the future and the events that occur within this date range will be displayed. You can change the calendar view by clicking the Day, Week or Month view buttons, which are located near the top right. The next time you come to this screen iWise will remember the view you used last time, and display the calendar in this way. If you can’t immediately see the event you are looking for you can use the Search area at the top of the screen. The Event Name and Date fields are the fields you are most likely to use to find your event. You don’t have to enter all of the event name – just a few letters from one of the words in the description is enough.
When you create an event you will be ask to give it a category. For example, ‘Excursion’, or ‘Inservice’. The Category field in will let you filter your list to show only events of a specified category. The Location field lets you see events that occur in a particular location. Internal locations (rooms, counselor’s office etc) will show as options in this list. External locations will be grouped together as the option ‘External’. If you are looking for an event that you know a specific person attended, or if you are looking for a list of all events and individual has attended, use the Attendee field in the Search area. If you are looking for a history of events attended by an individual, make sure you have checked your date range. The Markbook field is used to specify the Markbook information shown on the events list. To include all Markbook tasks in the list (or on the calendar view) select ‘Show all’ tasks. If you only want to show tasks for the subjects you teach select ‘Show this person’s tasks’, and if you don’t want to see any tasks select ‘Show no tasks’.
Once you have located the event you are looking for you can double click on it to bring up the event details popup.
More information about each of the fields on the event details popup. |