Specifying Mark Fields

1)Go to Academic | Admin | Mark Fields.
2)The mark fields for the current reporting period will be loaded. Selecting a TTPeriod other than ‘Current’ will affect archived academic reports only.


3)Modify or add fields as needed. The following table explains the fields on this screen:




This is a unique number for the mark field. It needs to be unique and is used for identifying each mark field.

Field Name S1

This is the name of the database field that will store the student’s result for S1 (Slot 1). You can only use an individual field once per TTPeriod.

Field Name S2

As above, but for S2 (slot 2)

Field Label

This is what the user sees on the mark entry screen.

Field Type

Indicate what type of data the field will be storing:

Float/Real = use for a number with a decimal point
Integer = use for a whole number
Comment = use for free text - primarily comments
Grade = use for grade lists
Please ignore & don’t use other options in this list.


Check this tick box if you want a user to be able to enter a common mark once for a whole class or subject. This is most commonly used for a field recording the average