The calendar screen in detail


Elements of the calendar screen

Prior to 2011 your school’s iWise home page was most likely to have been the teacher’s timetable. A while back the new calendar screen was developed, with the aim of replacing the teacher’s timetable screen with a dynamic ‘live’ calendar instead.  The calendar was expanded to include teacher calendars, student calendars and room calendars.

Many schools have now adopted the new calendar screen as their iWise home page.

Not only does this calendar show a teacher’s timetable, it will show many other things such as events, absences, cover lessons and resource bookings.

The Search and Actions area

The Search area is where you can select whose calendar you are looking at. By default, you own calendar will load, but you can select a different teacher, student or room using the fields in the Search area.

The Actions area allows you to print the calendars in various formats.


Calendar features

Features of a teacher’s (or student or room) calendar include:

A.The teacher’s normal timetable
B.Personal appointments
C.School events
D.Markbook tasks
E.Resource bookings
F.Cancelled classes
G.Cover lessons


As you hover over these calendar elements you will be able to see more information.

Hover over a normal class to read details about the class, including the lesson plan and homework information.


Events and Appointments show the name of the event, its duration and the number of attendees.


Cover lessons show the details of the class, including the cover work left by the absent teacher.