To edit an existing absence record, locate it in the main grid and click on it. As you do, details about the absence will load in the green Details area on the right.
Make the changes you need to the absence record and click Save.
It is important to click Save when editing an absence. Unlike the main grid, changes won’t save automatically.
Tips for locating a specific existing absence record:
- | If you are looking for a specific absence record for a student, use the By Individual field to first locate the student, then in the popup that appears, click Show All Absences. This will load the main grid with all the student’s absence records, with the newest one on the top. If you can’t find the record you are looking for, try filtering the list further by using the From Date, To Date and/or Absence Type fields in the More Search options. |
- | If you are editing unexplained absences, select ‘Show all my unexplained’ from the Actions area. If you are a pastoral carer this will load all unexplained absences for students in your pastoral group. If you are not a pastoral carer, this will load all unexplained absences. |
More information about following up unexplained absences.