Maintenance tab – General accordion



This field is mandatory. The category is used to group events by a similar kind. It is a drop down list and the options available can be managed by your school via Calendar | Events | Categories.

information2 More information on managing event categories


Event Name

This field is mandatory. The event name should be brief and easily identified by other staff members. The event name is displayed on individual calendars, as well as teacher’s roll marking screens (to display where a student may be when they are not in class) and also on the permission slip that can go home to parents.



This field is optional. Use it to enter more information about the event, if required. Information entered into this field is displayed on the event permission slip so can be a good way to provide further information about the event to students and their parents. (Also see the ‘Permission Slip’ accordion)



Use this field to record where the event will be held. It can be Internal (select a location from the internal drop down list) or External (in which case you will see a field where you can enter the location details).

The list of internal location options is coming from your room list in iWise (iWise Professional Control Panel) or the room list in your external administration package.

The location of the event is important if you are creating an open registration event. If you set the location and match it to the terminal at the event, attendees will be automatically recorded as attending the right event (without potentially having to select an event option).

information2 More information about open registration events


Start and End Date, Start and End Time

These fields are mandatory. Enter a Start Date, Start Time, End Date and End Time. The time can be entered using a 24 hour clock (Eg 15:45) or you can enter 4pm and iWise will convert it to 16:00. You can even enter ‘now’ and the current time will be inserted.

Please note that iWise will allow you to create recurring events. For example, if you are recording an event that will be held this Monday and next, create an event that lasts for just this Monday and make it recur for next week. Don’t make the end date of this event next Monday.

The only time the start date would be different to the end date is if the event really did take place over a number of days and nights. (School camp, for example).

Duration. The duration is automatically calculated based on the start and end date and time.


Approval Status

This field is optional. Events can be set to have an approval status – either Pending, Approved, Denied or Cancelled.

In a future upgrade of iWise email notification and automation of approvals will be provided, but for now the approval status of an event is managed manually on this screen only. For this reason, a lot of school ignore the approval function and set all events to be automatically approved.

A default approval status is specified when the event category is selected. This can be changed by clicking on the status of the event. You need to have Admin or Calendar Admi permissions to do this. When the approval status is clicked a popup is shown, where you can change the approval status and/or leave a comment.

Events must be Approved before they can be seen on teacher’s calendars.


information2 More information about setting the default approval status for event categories

information2 More information on permissions to create or approve an event




The privacy area allows you to mange who can view and edit the event details. Default privacy settings are loaded when the event category is selected.

With nothing ticked, and the set up as shown below, staff with normal iWise user permissions will be able to see the event but won’t be able to edit it.


They will see the event on Calendar | Events | Manage and, if they are an attendee to the event, or if the event is public, they will see it on their individual calendar.

With no additional boxes checked, the event will be editable by the default group only. If you hover over the words ‘default group’ you will be able to see who is in this group. Who is in the default group is set by iWise and not editable.

If you would like attendees or all staff to be able to edit the event, check the Plus attendees and/or Plus all staff tickboxes.


The Personal drop down list is used to mark whether an event is personal or not.

Personal events only show on a teacher’s calendar, and will only be visible on Calendar | Events | Manage if the user has Admin or Calendar Admin permissions. Students on a personal event will be visible to all teachers on the student’s calendar.

A teacher on a personal event will not show as requiring covering in the Covers area of iWise.


Whole Day Absences

This field relates to absence records created from event attendance, and is only relevant if you have had iWise configured so that your absence data is automatically written back to your linked administration package (such as Maze) AND you want whole day event attendance to be recorded as an absence record in this linked administration package.

If this specific circumstance does not apply to your school you can ignore this field.

If this specific circumstance does apply, set this field to Yes (Y) if you want whole day absence records to be created for attendees to this event.

lightbulb_on  The automatic writing of absence records back to a linked administration package needs to be set up by Civica As part of the set up you will be asked which particular absence type you would like to use for whole day event attendance. Please speak to Civica if you would like any more information.


Recurring Event

If an event is going to recur over a number of days or weeks, use the Recurring Event field to specify that it is recurring. When you do, you will see an additional Recurrence accordion.


information2 Description of the fields on this accordion