The ‘Basic’ tab |
Timetable, Scope, Subject and Class
The Timetable, Scope, Subject and Class fields display information about who the task is for. This information is originally specified as the task is created, and if required, can be edited by clicking the Edit button.
The Timetable field is used to set which timetable (and therefore which class list) the task is for. More information about managing this field and ensuring your class lists are correct.
Common tasks Occasionally, you may need to create a task common to more than one subject, or a task that is common to some but not all classes in a subject. The Common tab on this popup will allow you to do this. More information about making tasks common to more than one subject or class.
Statistics If you are working with a subject-based task, the Statistics area shows you the Maximum, Minimum, Standard Deviation and Average mark for each of the individual classes within the subject. Statistics for the whole subject are shown in the summary area at the top of the task. If you are working with a class-based task this area will be blank – the information will be in the summary area at the top of the task.
Task Name and Column Heading The Task Name and Column Heading are specified as you create a task, but they can be edited in these fields if required. The task name can have a maximum of 100 characters and the column heading can have a maximum of 15 characters, including spaces.
Task date and clash information The Task Date is specified as you create a task, but can be edited in this field if required. Below the task date is a panel showing you how many other tasks are scheduled for the same week, and how many students this affects. When creating your tasks, entering a correct task date on all your tasks makes the information in this panel correct.
To see more information about the clash information, click the More button.
Task Calendar Tasks can appear on calendars in iWise. By default, all tasks appear on a ‘Markbook’ calendar, but if you want to add them to a specific calendar as well, select it in the Task Calendar field.
More information about adding tasks to calendars.
Out of What a task is out of is specified as you create a task. It can be edited, if required, in the Out of field.
This field needs a value (otherwise you will get an error). If you are working with a task that is to be marked with a manual grade or comment, even though the number the task is out of is irrelevant, set this field to 100.
Rounding Tasks can be set to have the marks automatically rounded to a whole number, half number, one decimal place or no rounding at all. This is specified in the Rounding field. On the Mark this Task tab the Mark column contains the raw, unrounded mark and the Final column contains the rounded mark. The main markbook screen also shows the Raw mark: When tasks are combined they use the raw, unrounded mark to combine. The rounding then occurs in the Final column of the combined task. A default rounding preference can be set for the whole school on an iWise setting. Go to Home | Admin | Settings and search for MARKBOOK_ROUNDING. More information about this, and other iWise setting relevant to the Markbook.
Mark Type and Grade Tasks can be marked with a number or with a grade. When specifying that a task is to be marked with a grade, you can manually select a grade or ask iWise to come up with a grade based on the mark you enter and the thresholds you specify. The Mark Type field allows you to specify how the task is to be marked. (Numeric or Grade). The Grade List field allows you to select the grade list that will be used when marking. If you are marking a task with a number, and don’t need a grade at all, select Numeric in the Mark Type field, and ignore the Grade List field. If you want a grade, but want iWise to calculate the grade based on the mark you enter, select Numeric in the Mark Type field, and then select an option from the Grade List field. If you are marking the task with a manual grade (no numbers at all), select Grade in the Mark Type field and then select the relevant option from the Grade List field. Your school can set up the options in the Grade List field, and the thresholds they represent. When specifying a grade list to use with marking, you can use the school default thresholds or edit them for the one specific task. More information about editing thresholds for individual tasks. More information about editing the school default grade lists and thresholds. |