Using ‘Swipe in’ for attendance management


iWise provides screens where students can ‘swipe in’ as they arrive at school. This screen is ideal for recording late arrival and early leave. And depending on your school set up, the swipe screen can be used with ‘absent until proven present’ attendance recording. This means that students swipe to record that they are present.

The swipe screen opens in its own window and has been designed to be used either at a front desk, where admin staff may want to enter a reason for a late arrival and have some control over the record created, or used in swipe stations around your school where no keyboard or mouse is attached and students just swipe and move on.

Because the functionality required for each of these scenarios is slightly different, iWise provides a setting to allow you to manage which way you will be using the swipe screens. The setting is called ABSENCE_SWIPE_SHOW_SAVE_BUTTON.

information2 iWise settings relevant to absences.