Whole Day, Period and Event rolls |
When marking rolls in iWise it is important to understand the different types of rolls that can be marked. There are three different types:
Type 1: Whole day school roll The whole day roll is the main school roll, and is found at Data Entry | Attendance | Manage. It is the main screen you would go to find a student’s attendance status, to mark them absent for today (or multiple days) or to record that they have arrived late or are leaving early. Although you are able to see a student’s attendance to each of their classes, this screen is primarily concerned with the attendance status of the student of the course of the whole day.
Instructions on how to mark the whole day school roll.
Type 2: Period (or class) rolls iWise also allows teacher to mark their class roll roll each period. The period roll is accessed from a teacher’s calendar or ‘My Day’ screen. The period roll is integrated with the rest of iWise. When marking the roll you will be able to see if the student has already been marked absent for the whole day by front office, if they are on an event, or if they are in sickbay. Teachers can also see students’ attendance status at earlier periods during that day.
Instructions on how to mark the roll each period.
Type 3: Event rolls When events are created in the iWise calendar, attendance to the event can be marked on the event roll. An event roll is used to record a student’s attendance to an event – this is not necessarily the same as the student’s attendance to school. For example, a student may have missed the bus to the event, so they are sitting in the library. From the event supervisor’s point of view they are absent from the event. But from the school’s perspective they are present, because they are physically at school. The iWise attendance screens and event roll marking screens have been designed to allow for this type of scenario. The event roll is integrated with the whole day school roll and the period rolls. Students attending an event can be seen on each of these rolls. Marking a student absent on an event roll, however, will not necessarily mark a student absent on the whole day school roll.
How to mark an event roll and its interaction with the whole day school roll. |